Foreign language proficiency is an
essential element of any meaningful intercultural experience. While we anticipate
that much of the scientific discussions for students on XRVs
will be in English, social interaction and meaningful contact with Chinese
culture will not be possible in the most optimal way unless our students arrive
in Dalian with a foundation in spoken Mandarin. To this end, we will
offer language training opportunities for students, post-docs and professors
taking part in the PIRE-ECCI. We will work with faculty
from UCSB's East Asian Studies department to provide this training. Prior to
their first XRV to Dalian, students and post-docs will be enrolled
in an intensive 9-week Beginning Chinese
language course. This course is offered during the summer quarter in an
intensive format that is the equivalent of a full-academic-year course. During
the XRVs, the DICP will
provide 3 contact hours per week of Chinese language instruction to help
American students deepen their knowledge of and proficiency in Mandarin
Chinese. A Chinese language and cultural sensitivity course targeted to
scientists and engineers will be designed by Dr. Sharon Yu,
Director of the Chinese Language Program at UCSB to help participants maintain
and extend their language and cultural understanding. It is intended that this
course will be offered to students after their first XRV.